Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Artist's Reply

‎"This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.” - Leonard Bernstein

From the tragedy of the African slave trade, to the heartache of the Trail of Tears...from Auschwitz to Northern Ireland to Normandy, Tripoli, and Tibet...from every corner of the world, music and art have arisen from the depths of despair to comfort and redeem the human race.

Thanks to my friend, opera soprano Christine Brewer, for this poignant quote. Thanks, also, for the great contributions she and other artists have made to our collective soul.

Today I take comfort in the music of Jules Massenet's opera, Thais. This particular portion is called "Meditation," and is played by the incomparable Israeli/American violinist, Itzhak Perlman.

I wish you Peace.


  1. Thank you so much for this - the music, the quote and the wish for peace. May it be so! Shalom.

  2. Thank you Jo, this is just what we need today & everyday. Peace be with you also.

  3. Many thanks, Dubby, Reya, and Cheryl. Sometimes, art says more than words ever can.

  4. Just beautiful, serene and healing.

  5. Thank you so much, Vicki. Just what I was going for.


Your visit makes my heart smile. Thank you.